Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What is your age, sexual category and rate your body statue on a level of 1-10 (1 one low body print, 10 mortal high)?

This is for a statistics project that I have to do for my math class. Im comparing age and sexual characteristics to a person's body image, whether it be large or low. My hypothesis is that the younger a person is, the smaller number self confidence they will have and so, a lower body image, due to how they are more influenced by the medium and other influences and because they are still growing in to their bodies. Thanks for you minister to!!What is your age, sexual category and rate your body statue on a level of 1-10 (1 one low body print, 10 mortal high)?
Age - 21
Gender - female
Image - 6.5
Age: 20
Gender: F
Body Image: 8
Good Luck!
I am a 33 year out-of-date female, and I'd utter my body image is nearly a 5 (but it might depend on the day you ask me.sometimes it's as low as a 3, and other days it could be roughly speaking an 8).
26 Female 8.5
My age is somewhere 21 and 632 years of age, my gender is mannish, most of the time. I have no body portrait because I have no body. I am an electronic intelligence which resides surrounded by the interface and projects a pseudo-physical avatar into the allegedly "real" world which everybody thinks is the solid me. For some reason, I enjoy chosen that projection to be a middle-aged fat guy within a dead-end job. Some times that projection is a motorcycle riding swing glider instructor, at other times the projection is a high voltage transformer. Hope this is adjectives for your project.
Well since you don't have a concrete answer from a male all the same I thought I'd answer.
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Body Image: 7

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