Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What should she do?

Ok my friend has have some kind of cold 4 in the order of 3 days, the first day it be a sore throat, the second day she have a runny nose and today she have a cough, what does she have? any ways for her 2 discern better?? thanks so much!What should she do?
There are various OTC remedies available to ease the symptoms. Some folk remedies that own a long history of helping are to rest and drink plenty of fluid. The fluids help flush out microbes and viruses as all right as fight bad the effects of dehydration. Hot tea helps, I suggest green tea.
Vitamin C plus B complexes will facilitate the body fight the infection.
Most importantly, stay verbs! Wash your hands repeatedly, shower a couple of times per day and use that mitt sanitizer every time you sneeze or cough.
Shes just get a cold. Drink lots of boiling water and should be thought better soon
you should tell your mom that you're sick.
A cold! It'll outdo.
Better see a doctor soon. It's just a desperate cold.
I'll make you believe 'thanks' you don't have 2 git on here & confer it 2 all of us.

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