Saturday, October 23, 2010

What medication will treat inflammation, anguish, and snuff out germs from infection?

I'm writing a story and need to know of any medication that will cut inflammation, kill adjectives pain, and waste all germs from an infection in the leg of one of my characters.What medication will treat inflammation, anguish, and snuff out germs from infection?
levaquin is angelic if the person is not allergic to that group of antibiotics
Pain nouns / inflammation medication are called Non-steriodal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAID's such as panadine, nurofen
Pain nouns can also come from opiods or narcotics such as Methadone or morphine
To kill microbes need to filch an antibiotic and as far as I know they have not made a drug that combines both. Lost of different antibiotics that target different systems within the body
there isn't one medication that does it adjectives, something like a NSAID non-steroidal anti-inflammatory will trim down the swelling/inflammation (advil, ibuprofen, aceteminiophene) and something like polysporin if its a cut, or bactine, rubbing alcohol, peroxide etc, will treat the infection

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